Boreal Bounty Farm Projects
Committed to Service
As we look forward to spring on the farm, our list of projects grows! Seeds ordered (check), seeding soil mixed (check), herbs planted (check), veggie seedling started, NEW greenhouse ordered, and first planting of greens completed in a high tunnel. As producers growing without any chemicals, we are committed to customer satisfaction.

High Tunnel Construction 2020
Winter 2019 was very snowy at the farm. Snows of 20+ inches, 15+ inches and another 12+ inches took a toll on our 2 original high tunnels. This led to the construction of 2 new high tunnels in May 2020. We got them both up one weekend and ready to plant by the next. We had great harvests of tomatoes, basil, peppers and cucumbers in our new tunnels! One is currently planted with early season greens.

Making Seeding Soil Mix
Since the beginning of Boreal Bounty Farm in 2017, we have mixed our own seeding soil and started all of our plants from seed. Components are peat, compost, soil, perlite, lime and blood meal.

Growing Veggie Seedlings
Starting in February, after the seeding mix is put through a screen the planting begins! Seeds and planting flats are organized by starting date and cleaned and sanitized. Currently, onions, leeks, shallots, herbs, greens, cabbage, kohlrabi, tomatoes, peppers and celery are germinating and growing in our mix.